#linseed oil

Efficacy and ingredients of flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil, which is often introduced on TV and magazines. It is a famous story that the ingredients are good for your health. However, many people may not be familiar with why it is good for health and what the specific effects are. Even with the same health effect, if you know the principle, you can expect more effect. In this article, we will explain in detail the ingredients and characteristics of flaxseed oil so that it can be used effectively.

Efficacy of flaxseed oil

Linseed oil has become a hot topic because it contains a lot of healthy fatty acids such as linoleic acid and oleic acid, including fatty acids called omega-3 fatty acids (the components that make up the oil).

Fatty acids are divided into more than 40 types according to their properties. The fatty acids in flaxseed oil, when taken correctly, can only help with beauty and health.

In particular, omega-3 fatty acid is also called α-linolenic acid and is counted as one of the essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids are "fatty acids that are necessary for metabolism but cannot be produced or substituted by the human body", and ingestion by diet is an absolute requirement to utilize them. Insufficient essential fatty acids can cause skin problems. If that is the only thing, if it gets worse, blood cholesterol will increase due to metabolic disorder. It can trigger serious problems such as hyperlipidemia and arteriosclerosis. The various fatty acids that make up flaxseed oil are essential ingredients for maintaining good health.

Ingredients contained in flaxseed oil

Most of the components of flaxseed oil are fatty acids. Fatty acids are the source of cell membranes and hormones that protect cells in the body, and have various effects on the body. Here, let's see how the fatty acids that make up flaxseed oil work in the body.

α-linolenic acid

The most noticeable fatty acid in flaxseed oil is α-linolenic acid. It is one of the omega 3 fatty acids, and when metabolized in the body, it produces DHA and activates the brain.

On days when you have important errands, it is said that taking one or two spoons of flaxseed oil with beans and vegetables the day before or the morning of that day will improve your brain performance and keep things running smoothly. .. There are many reports that α-linolenic acid has the effect of relieving fatigue. Ingestion of moderate α-linolenic acid has the effect of improving blood circulation, and seems to wash away oxidative substances such as bad fat accumulated in the body.

Linoleic acid

It is one of the omega-6 fatty acids and is the same essential fatty acid as the omega-3 fatty acid. It is generally accepted that it is effective in reducing blood cholesterol and preventing lifestyle-related diseases.

However, in recent years, the Japanese Society of Lipid Nutrition has proposed that "if you take too much, you risk heart disease" and "rather, you need guidance to reduce it."

The amount of linoleic acid contained in flaxseed oil is less than that of α-linolenic acid, but there is no doubt that proper intake is important.

oleic acid

Oleic acid is one of the omega-9 fatty acids that can be produced in the body. Other than flaxseed oil, it is rich in olive oil.

It is said to be effective in preventing heart disease and obesity. This is because good cholesterol has a function to keep it firmly while preventing the increase of bad cholesterol.

By the way, oleic acid itself is hard to oxidize, but flaxseed oil contains a lot of fatty acids that are easily oxidized, so it is safer not to heat it.

Reference: What are essential fatty acids? How to take

Introducing the effects of α-linolenic acid (omega 3), a component of flaxseed oil

I have explained some of the ingredients of flaxseed oil. All of them were expected to have great health effects, but I think the main component, α-linolenic acid, was the one I was most interested in. Here, I would like to take a closer look at the effects of α-linolenic acid. The power of α-linolenic acid is not limited to brain activation and fatigue recovery.

It is said to be good for lifestyle-related diseases and arteriosclerosis.

I talked about the improvement and preventive effects of lifestyle-related diseases in the explanation of oleic acid and linoleic acid. In fact, α-linolenic acid is said to have the same effect. One of the causes of lifestyle-related diseases is dyslipidemia in the blood. When the energy consumed in the diet cannot be used up in the body, it becomes triglyceride and accumulates in the internal organs and blood. The mechanism is that if there is too much triglyceride, lifestyle-related diseases are likely to develop.

Alpha-linolenic acid has the effect of smoothing the blood when it enters the body. At this time, it also works to prevent fat from sticking to blood vessels and blood.

Better blood flow is a direct prevention of arteriosclerosis. In addition, the circulation of blood throughout the body distributes nutrients throughout the body, leading to a healthy body.

Is it effective for depression?

I have repeatedly told you that α-linolenic acid is a healthy oil. This "good for your health" is not just about your body. Although still in the research stage, omega-3 fatty acids, including α-linolenic acid, shed hope for the treatment of mental problems and depression in adults. An overseas study that "omega 3 fatty acids may affect depressive symptoms" was published in 2015 and attracted attention. However, the study concluded that it was "poorly grounded and cannot be determined to be effective."

In 2018, the research team of the National Cancer Center announced the research results on the reduction effect of omega 3 fatty acids on anxiety symptoms. "We have found that taking omega 3 fatty acids reduces anxiety symptoms compared to not taking them," he concludes.

I would like to expect further research development toward the treatment of depression, which is also a social problem.


I have explained the ingredients and characteristics of flaxseed oil. I was surprised that it is not only good for the body but also effective for mental troubles. Lifestyle-related diseases are also called modern diseases. Arteriosclerosis, obesity, high cholesterol, etc. are also diseases that are difficult to avoid for Japanese people who are familiar with modern diets high in fat. Lifestyle improvement is the best way to prevent it, so why not try adding flaxseed oil to your life as part of that? It's a simple health method that you can start with one spoon a day. However, please be careful not to oxidize the oil or exceed the appropriate amount. Please be careful about side effects.

Reference: What is omega 3 fatty acid?

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